So my new Textile project is about meetings, encounters and experiences. Yes I know what you're thinking, mother of mercury how am I supposed to incorporate that for my last garment?! Well quite easily actually, if the research is put into it, it can be a juicy and full-bosomed experience. I decided to take full advantage of my roots and past, as the word meetings can be integrated in the sense of two cultures meeting/clashing. I decided to focus on an amazing designer called Vika Gazinskaya, who creates astonishing pieces that I can relate to.

Being born in Russia and moving around a lot since my infant years (before settling down in England) gave me some perspective and I gained a lot of cultural diversity, which I am very thankful for!
something that also really caught my eye was Chanels Spring2009 collection where the venue was breath taking. I thought I could also use this in my project as encounters and meetings occur in train stations, and I interpreted this venue to look similar to a grand station.
This furthermore inspired me to dig in to more of Chanels work when I remembered something awe -inspiring, something I should have remembered the whole time. The Chanel No5. advert!! It is definitely one of my favourites, and everyone ought to see it.
Well then, let me know with a comment below, what are your thoughts on the subject: Meetings, encounters and experiences? I shall be taking you on a journey through my project - hope that's somehow remotely exciting.
Karina Xo